Friday, September 05, 2008

Amateur Hour continues

Along with not vetting Sarah Palin and not bothering to teach McCain how to read off a teleprompter (is it too much like the internet?), the GOP also apparently can't be bothered to make sure that the background images shown during McCain's speech made any sense.

The first half of his speech (where he looked from straight-on like he was in front of a green screen), was a picture of what looked like a huge mansion.

My first thought was "What the hell?  Are they really showing one of McCain's houses?"  Then we find out later that the picture is of Walter Reed Middle School in California.  Now that doesn't make any sense... unless maybe the McCain folks were trying to show a picture of Walter Reed Army Medical Center and downloaded the wrong picture.
This folks, is why it's important to know how to use the internet.

(Via TPM)

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