Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain: If Obama had run his campaign the way I wanted him to run it, then I wouldn't have had to make a bunch of lying ads

McCain on The View:

McCain was later pressed on the increasingly derisive tone of the campaign, and his new television commercial that carries the widely discredited claim Obama supported comprehensive sex education of kindergarteners as an Illinois state senator.

McCain defended the ad's claims, as well as those of a Web ad that said Obam's "Lipstick on a Pig" were directed at Palin. He added that if Obama had agreed to a series of townhalls he'd proposed, the tone of the campaign might have been more amicable.

"If we had done what I asked Senator Obama to do, I don't think you'd see the same tenor of this campaign," he said. "Why don't you ask Obama the next time he's on this show why won't he be in town meetings with me?"

Yeah- if that was the way it worked Obama's response should be "Ok, you play me in a game of pickup basketball every day, or else I'm going to spend the entire campaign lying about your record."

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