Thursday, September 18, 2008

Polling News

The National Journal just released really interesting polling information for VA, OH, CO, NM and FL, broken down by race and party affiliation. The toplines show McCain ahead in VA, Obama ahead in MN, and the other three dead even. McCain leads generally among white voteers, but Obama has near unanimous votes from blacks and hispanics, except for in FL where he narrowly leads McCain (which, given the historically Republican Cuban community in South Florida is quite an accomplishment).

By party identification, McCain leads among independents commandingly in OH and VA, and narrowly in CO, indies are tied in CO, and Obama leads among them in NM. The really interesting news in the poll, which I find pretty heartening, is that in Colorado, Florida and New Mexico, Obama is doing substantially better (+6 or more) among Republicans than McCain is doing among Dems (although McCain's has the other-party advantage in OH and VA).

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