Saturday, September 20, 2008

Football Buddy

A newly released AP/Yahoo poll gives Obama a slight advantage over McCain (50-47) as to with which candidate voters would rather watch a football game. I think this brings up one of Obama's strengths- his familiarity and knowledge of sports- which was on display in the primaries but hasn't been used as much during the general election.

During the primaries, Obama frequently called in to sports talk radio shows, chatted with the hosts, and made brief pitches about his candidacy. You actually have to know what you're talking about to make this work- it's pretty easy to get national attention as a John Kerry duck-hunting phony if you think Favre is still on the Packers when you call into a Green Bay station. The demographic that listens to a lot of sports-talk radio is largely working class and male- the very people who Obama needs to shore up (and also often the 'low-information voters' who side with a candidate based on personality).

1 comment:

Brian said...

This post is truly scintillating. As is this blog.