Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Streetfighter Palin

When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time playing my friends in Streetfighter II for the Super Nintendo and Mortal Kombat on Genesis. For those who weren't teenage boys in the early to mid 90s, these were games where each player controled a fighter in a bout with the other player. To win, you had to master certain button combinations, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of the fighters, and master the timing of attacks and counter-attacks.

Once in a while, I'd play somebody who had never played these games (or usually hadn't played any games) before. These players would usually flail around, and maybe figure out one attack (usually jump-kicks), and their very lack of skill playing the game would make them awfully hard to beat. Because they didn't know how to play, they didn't play by the same rules or strategies as regular players did, and that made them dangerous.

This is what makes me nervous about Palin in her debate Thursday night against Biden. He's an old hand who's done tons of debates and spent countless Sundays facing off against the Gwen Ifill's of the world. I'm worried that Palin's lack of skill and familiarity with foreign policy is going to throw Biden off his game, and that she'll find some kind of weird jump-kick of an attack and just do it over and over again until victory (or their mutual destruction, which works just as well for McCain's purposes).

1 comment:

jor17 said...

Why so fearful, O ye of little faith? How can you seriously analogize this debate with a video game? If anything, it would be like playing a video game against your grandparents, who would be utterly incapable of figuring out how to do a "jump-kick." Biden and Palin are not even in the same league. If he cannot show Palin for what she truly is (a complete ass), then Barack Obama should have obviously picked Katie Couric, who has been able to accomplish this in every interview she's had with Palin thus far. Unfortunately for Palin (but not for the rest of us), she will be utterly incapable of relying on one or two simple talking points to satisfy the public: she WILL NOT be able to fake it! Regardless, whatever happens in this debate will have very little effect on the race as the electorate is now focused as they should be: on Obama v. McCain.