Friday, September 12, 2008

Getting off the Bus

The AP appears to be exiting the Straight Talk Express today with an article criticizing McCain and Palin for their unprecedented misrepresentations and outright lies:

The "Straight Talk Express" has detoured into doublespeak.

Republican presidential nominee John McCain, a self-proclaimed tell-it-like-it-is maverick, keeps saying his running mate, Sarah Palin, killed the federally funded Bridge to Nowhere when, in fact, she pulled her support only after the project became a political embarrassment. He accuses Democrat Barack Obama of calling Palin a pig, which did not happen. He says Obama would raise nearly everyone's taxes, when independent groups say 80 percent of families would get tax cuts instead.

Even in a political culture accustomed to truth-stretching, McCain's skirting of facts has stood out this week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When the AP offers criticism, there really must be a problem