Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate wrap-up

My general feeling is that, all things being equal, the debate wound up as a draw. Obama was strong on the economy, following bin Laden into Pakistan, and in his closing showing an impressive grasp global affairs. McCain seemed at times to control the tone of the debate, getting Obama to agree with him and pushing Obama to discuss problematic topics.

McCain's high-point was Obama's biggest whiff of the debate- the point where McCain sneeringly asked what Obama would say when across the table from Ahmadinejad. Obama tried to interrupt, couldn't get through and then just went on to the next question. Obama's answer should have been along the lines of "John, if I sat down with this tin-pot dictator, with all the power and prestige of the United States of America behind me, there's no doubt who would come out on top. Anyone who's afraid to debate a nobody like him shouldn't be president."

That said, Obama's goal with this debate was to cross a basic laugh-test threshold of "can I the regular voter, not having paid much attention thus far, conceive of this guy as running our nation's foreign policy?" I think Obama cleared this by miles. He was coming into what was ostsensibly McCain's turf- foreign policy- and held his own. This coupled with the fact in these debates, a tie goes to the overall leader, means that Obama definitely came out on top.

A couple other points-

-I think the visuals definitely played to Obama's benefit. McCain's suit was baggy and rumpled-looking, contributing to his generally elderly appearance, while Obama looked energetic and (aided by his newly grey hair) dignified.

-The polls seem to be coming out decidedly toward Obama:

CBS: 39% Obama, 25% McCain


Who Did the Best Job In the Debate?
Obama 51%
McCain 38%

Who Would Better Handle Economy?
Obama 58%
McCain 37%

Who Would Better Handle Iraq?
Obama 52%
McCain 47%


Brian said...

I'm not a politics guy really, but I agree with you about the presentation stuff.

My thoughts, from my (Yankee) blog:

This is certainly not a political forum, nor am I anything of an expert on politics. But what is with John McCain’s jaw? Why does he always speak without moving his teeth? Is he just always really, really angry?

I also found it very funny that after Joe Biden gave a follow up interview that Sarah Palin “declined to be interviewed,” instead being replaced by Rudy Guiliani. If Palin can’t even handle these simple things, why was she even made the VP candidate? Is there anyway Thursday’s VP debates go well for her? And speaking of Guiliani, what is going on with his eye brows? They’re more disturbing than John Madden’s at this point. He looks like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld after Leo burnt his face.

I think there could be a good drinking game developed, based on the number of times McCain says “Pork Barrel,” “Fundamental,” “Maverick,” or tells a story about someone he knows or somewhere he’s been. Yeah John, I get it. You’re like 150 yeas old so you’ve visited every place in the world. Good work.

Anonymous said...

I think that General Petraeus should also be included in the drinking game. However there is a good chance that would make the game fatal... McCain must have referenced him fifty times.