Monday, September 29, 2008

Palin continues to demonstrate that she would fail a high-school U.S. History class

The Politico is reporting that, in the unaired section of Katie Couric's interview with Sarah Palin, when Palin is asked about Supreme Court cases, the only one she knows is Roe. Come on... how about Brown v. Board? Marbury? I don't know about Alaska, but in New York you had to have at least heard of Brown and Marbury to get out of high school. And on top of that, how about some cases critically impacting issues that leaders should care about- cases like Hamdan (Bush's Gitmo detention policy), Kelo (eminent domain)? How about Bush v. Gore?

Any lack of knowledge that would disqualify an 11th grader from moving to 12th grade should probably disqualify somebody from being vice-president.

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