Thursday, September 25, 2008

Damage Control?

A number of folks have asked whether McCain's stunt yesterday was actually an attempt at damage control- to 1.) pull the attention off of the disastrous interview Palin gave with Katie Couric and 2.) to try to push the debate schedule so as to cancel the VP debate alltogether.

I definintely think Palin's Couric interview (clip posted below) was by far worse than her Charlie Gibson interview. Gibson got her with one gotcha question which, while I think she should have known what the Bush Doctrine was, apparently didn't shock the mass of voters who also didn't know what it was. The Couric interview was different- Palin stumbled about McCain's own record, and demonstrated total ignorance about the mortgage crisis- much more damaging than not knowing the name of Bush's policy. After watching it I can definitely see how they would not want her off the teleprompter next week.

If that was the goal, I think it was to some degree misguided- Bush's national address was already going to suck up media air last night, even without McCain's stunt. I also think there's no way that the public is going to let this race happen without a VP debate- and will punish anyone who who tries to deny them.

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