Thursday, July 11, 2002

Things are definitely looking up today. Taught my best lesson to date, and have great ideas for the coming week (reading the students "The Monkey's Paw" and with the kids first making 3 wishes, then after reading it switching papers and writing about how those wishes could go horribly wrong. A couple "rambunctious" students might have some interesting and gruesome things written about them!) Anyway, things just going very well. Going with some friends tomorrow night to some rave/nt tunderground hip hop/circus/costume party in the old Schwarz building- the first power plant in New York... one of my buddies has a friend who's running this thing, where a bunch of artists and entrepreneurs took over the building for 2 weeks and are having events there both weekends, with the whole place decorated and decked out. Should be very interesting, especially when taking into account the crew I'm going with. I'm not sure what it is, but I definitely (through random chance entirely) seem to attract gay roomates. I've had 3 in the past 4 years- first year of college, nashville, and here in NYC. I went into all of those blind, but I'm pretty sure i've definitely exceded the random chance factor. I've no complaints, my roomate now is awesome. Beats the hell out of Reid, certainly.

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