Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Murtha wants $50

I just received the following email from John Murtha's campaign:

Dear Friends,

After decades of fighting for this country and our troops, I am up against the right-wing attack machine again. Because of my work to end the Iraq war, they have thrown hundreds of thousands of dollars behind my opponent, who lives in Virginia with his family, not in my district in Pennsylvania. Now, I am suddenly being outspent 3 to 1. They are up to the same old tricks, "swiftboating" me again as they did two years ago. So I am asking people who have stood with me on Iraq to stand with me again to stop them in their tracks. Can you chip in $50 for me and a few other candidates at the link below?

Maybe it's because of the work he did to end the Iraq war... but maybe it's because he keeps going on TV and calling the voters in his district rednecks and racists...

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