Saturday, September 28, 2002

Well, nuts. It seems like the last post, in which I lovingly and in great detail wrote about the environs of my new school, did not (for some reason known only to the evil gods whose mission it is to fuck with whatever computer I own at the moment) make it from the screen to the web. I suppose I'll try again, as opposed to abandoning the entire effort altogether.

Chester W. Nimitz middle school. Already the name alone is a step up. The new school: named after a brilliant admiral whose tactics greatly helped win the Pacific theater in WWII. Old skool: at worst, a professional wrestler, at best, some guy who wrote westerns.... or maybe the other way around. In short- I no longer dread waking up (although it's almost an hour earlier now- Nimitz starts at 7:20 and I'm 25 miles away), I actually feel like a teacher instead of a prison guard / zookeeper, and now I have two (2!!!) overheads in my classroom, neither of which I had to have swiped from another district, even though my main one blew a bulb yesterday (you know that something in life has irrevocably changed when your bad dreams involve going into work and trying to teach, but having forgotten to change the overhead projector's lightbulb... I'd almost take monsters under the bed again).

Just finished up the first week at the new school, and things are going so well (at least in comparison) that I think the interest-level of this blog might suffer from lack of ridiculous stories... although I think my ridiculously old and cranky (but highly entertaining) history dept. coworkers might provide some, and the villains will probably change from incompetent local administration to incompetent district level administration.

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