Thursday, September 12, 2002

Back in the classroom... damn the place is a circus. It's getting to be absolutely ridiculous, there are really only 2 classes where I actually 'teach' anything at all, which tends to mean that I'm not so much doing my job. The rest of the time is spent chasing kids around, trying to get them to sit down, or not insult each other, or not hit each other, or worse. Today I had to deal with a possible threat of a gang beat-down that one of the kids gave another, and spent another 5 minutes with a kid who wanted to read his WWF magazine with wrestling women in bikinis on the cover during silent reading time. The Sept. 11th memorial flag project is now extending into 3 days, and half my kids can't identify North America on a map. Gotta get back to the basics, I guess... no more projects, group work, nothing, until they can sit and take notes and find out which fucking continent they live on.

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