Monday, September 09, 2002

Useless sub training today... probably the highlight of the day was listening to NPR on the way to and from training. As expected much of the content focused on the anniversary of Sept 11, and two of the programs that really caught my ear were about music that has been composed about the tragedy. The first program discussed a theater/music mini-festival in LA about Sept. 11th, and featured music from broadway composers who wrote about it, one of them- the Ballad of Mary O'Connor, was really really moving... the 2nd program, on the way home, featured a record company exec who was talking about all the unsolicited compositions she had received from garage bands and other random folks who were writing songs, most of which, she said, were pretty much crap. The point that struck home, however, was that for a lot of folks, Sept 11 was a call to do something different, even if it was only to send their crappy band's crappy song to a radio station or record company.

Also occurred to me that (sorry for this maudlin phase here, but there wasn't anything ridiculous in teacher-land today, and the mood of the anniversary is getting to me) if it wasn't for my choice of jobs last summer, I would have been in NYC last fall- almost having worked for Scott Stringer's Public Advocate campaign, I definitely would have been there with the primary the next day- not that it would have put me anywhere near ground zero, I probably would have been schlepping around Harlem with crates full of "walking around money" trying to get out the vote, but still... somethin' to think about

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