Friday, October 03, 2008

VP Debate wrap-up

So, despite thinking that General McClellan is leading our troops in cavalry charges against Johnny Reb in Afghanistan, Palin managed not to melt into a puddle of total incomprehensibility during the debate, which of course means that Tom Brokaw thinks she won.

My guess is that the best outcome for the McCain campaign is that some chunk of voters who only know Palin from SNL now think she's not a total joke... but I think that the folks who decided they weren't voting for McCain based on being scared of Palin aren't going to be so impressed that they'll change their minds. Probably this performance will keep some Republicans from despairing, which will be helpful for their volunteer efforts and RNC donations, in a "we live to fight another day" kinda way.

For Obama, this introduces Biden to voters who haven't been paying attention yet, and it may shore up some support in working-class white areas- some of the same folks who are excited to find out that Obama's mom was white, because they're now confident he's not a Muslim.

Ultimately, I think that it's not going to move the polls much at all. Neither of them said anything that's going to change the fundamentals of the race as they stand. Next up- town hall on Tuesday.

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