Thursday, October 16, 2008

"The Secret LIfe of Judges"

Any of my readers who are lawyers (and frankly anyone interested in government) should read this piece, by Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs of the 2nd Circuit. It's the best explanation I've read of the role lawyers and judges play in our society, and some of the problems with that role.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good article (or speech rather). I could be wrong but I get the sense that Judge Jacobs, in making this speech, was communicating an idea he had slowly come to realize - that judges (and perhaps many practicing lawyers) live in a bubble and are hence oblivious to the fact that their high regard for the rule of law can have disastrous consequences for the rest of society (i.e., the health care industry). I realized this only after a year of legal practice! Nevertheless, the fact that Judge Jacobs arrived at his conclusions after many years on the bench probably only proves my point. Anyways, interesting speech and congrats on the 10,000th reader milestone.