Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ford sides with GOP on healthcare in attempt to win NY Senate Democratic primary

I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Harold Ford Jr., as he's the guy who served as the example in a story by my buddy Pearl that taught me the etiquette of giving your drink on the rocks a couple swirls with the straw and then laying it on the bar (if I recall correctly, in the story Pearl took offense to Ford drinking a screwdriver through the straw at a bar in DC
Memphis). Fuzzy feelings aside, this is a.) pretty poor policy, and b.) a lousy way to start off an attempt to woo New York's Democratic primary voters:

Q. You would oppose the health-care overhaul as it now stands?

A. I couldn’t support a health-care bill that places the kind of burdens on New York State that this one does. I am for health-care reform, and I think there is a way to correct this, and understand, Michael, I have a relationship with MSNBC, and I have talked about the increased taxes on business and increased burdens placed on states. At a time when projections show states like New York face the kinds of projected deficits, it does not seem smart to place that kind of extra burden on them at this moment.


Evil said...

The bar was in Memphis, other than that I agree.

Unknown said...

It looks like the "liberal" people of MA are about to elect a senator who opposses the health care bill. It is truly a very sad day in American politics, expecially considering the wave of hope that swept this nation a year ago. I really believe that were Howard Dean the chair of the DNC that the campaign of Martha Coakley would have been handled very differently.
Will New York State be next? I sincerely hope not!