Thursday, January 07, 2010

Ben Nelson - Federal dollars should only go to support Nebraska

I expect Senators and members of Congress to favor their states or districts - those are the people who elect them and they need to curry favor. That said, Ben Nelson takes this to a ridiculous extreme. On the section of his (federally funded) senate webpage labeled "Earmarks" (, Nelson states High-speed rail between the major US economic centers on the east and west coasts? Saving endangered species in Alaska? Layoffs in Detroit? Bridges in Minnesota? Levees in New Orleans? Only if they're "worthwhile for the state" of Nebraska.

This is a particularly ballsy stance when, for the past 25 years or so, Nebraska has consistently gotten about $1.40 back from the federal government for every tax dollar it sends to DC.

Glad to see that a Senator with the ability to dictate the terms of all domestic legislation doesn't give a damn for the rest of the country. At some point you have to wonder why he bothers being in the Senate and doesn't just become King of Omaha or something.

hat tip to Matt Yglesias

It looks like, in the last hour while I was putting this together, somebody on Nelson's web staff went in to change the wording to make Nelson look less ridiculous.
As a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Nelson believes it is critical to only use federal taxpayers’ dollars to fund projects that are worthwhile and have the support of Nebraskans.
But we know how he really feels...


Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.

Anonymous said...

actually it looks like nebraska has generally received closer to 1.10 than 1.40. otherwise, interesting post.