Monday, December 28, 2009 Name that tune 2010?

I have an idea. After talking to a friend who works at a certain social networking company that shall remain nameless, I don't think I could ever make money on it, so I'm just throwing it out there to the universe. I hope someone who reads this can run with the idea and make the world a happier place, for a little while at least.

I want there to be a website where that allows people to do two things:

1) People can upload sound or video clips of themselves humming, whistling, or singing nonsense lyrics to songs that they know, but don't know the names of, and

2) Other people can log in and try to figure out what song it is.

For people who upload songs, the website might have some parameters. For example, you could say whether you think the song is in a certain genre, from a certain time period, or has certain words.

For people who try to guess songs, you could log in and hear a series of songs picked at random, or you could choose to just hear country songs, or something along those lines.

Good luck to all you web people out there who know how to do this kind of thing!

(If any of you ever do find a way to make money off of this, please consider making a sizeable donation to charitable organization. Among others, I would recommend the as the Dr. Marnie Rose Foundation, which supports brain cancer research and works for the needs of sick children in Houston, Texas.)


Anonymous said...


Matt said...

The technology to identify such songs already additional human perspective needed! There is even an app for that. - Matt Leach

Unknown said...

check out

you can hum to it, it works pretty well