Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're not using our submarines there either

Spencer Ackerman is pretty disingenuous in his article slamming the Air Force's request for F-22s by stating four times (in a three paragraph article) that the F-22 isn't being used in either Iraq or Afghanistan. It's not being used, of course, because it's an air-to-air combat vehicle, and neither the rump Taliban nor the Iraqi insurgents have an air force. If Ackerman doesn't know this about the F-22, he shouldn't be writing about it. If he does know it, he's making a somewhat stupid point. The anti-aircraft weapons on our Navy ships aren't being used in either of these wars either, nor our are submarines. That's not an open-and-shut case for scrapping either. I'm amenable to the idea that the F-22 program should be scrapped, but this is a lousy argument.

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