Sunday, February 15, 2009

George Will - Still a jerk

George Will wrote about climate change again today. I am not like "Mr. Climate Change Guy." I'm just not that in to it as a cause, but I'm happy to just go along with what other people put out there.

But Mr. Will is just not satisfied at anything less than being a total sophist about something where it might be appropriate to present actual argument. I bet these weren't even the most amusing of all the anecdotes he could have presented us with, even!

But here's the thing: which scientific arguments does he disagree about the interpretation of? (I don't know, but he put a lot dates in his article, so there's probably something....)

I also like that he quoted Gregg Easterbrook. I think of Gregg Easterbrook as the guy that George Will thinks of himself as: knowledgeable and interesting about sports, possessed of an appealing writing style, demonstrably liked by a circle of people beyond his immediate family.

But my other little problem with Will's item is that he overlooks one 'inconvenient truth'; Greg Easterbrook used to be a skeptic on global warming, but now thinks the evidence for it is overwhelming.

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