Thursday, February 05, 2009

El Rushbo

A new poll shows Rush Limbaugh with a public-approval rating of just 21 percent among likely voters, while 58 percent have “cold” feelings toward the right-wing radio-talk-show host. Limbaugh’s cold rating was higher than that of all the political figures the firm polled. It was seven points higher than Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright and eight points higher than former Weather Underground domestic terrorist William Ayers.

This would probably be a good time for Dems to start trying to make Rush the face of the GOP. The Republican congressional leaders McConnell and Boehner are relative unknowns outside the beltway, and big GOP names like Palin, Huckabee and Romney aren't directly involved with the stimulus or other critical debates (although Romney has been on TV discussing the economy). Particularly given Rush's statement that he "hopes Obama fails," this might be a useful tack for the dems to take.

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