Sunday, August 31, 2008


TPM on Palin's "troopergate 2" scandal:

The available evidence now suggests that she 1) tried to have an ex-relative fired from his job for personal reasons, something that was clearly inappropriate, and perhaps illegal, though possibly understandable in human terms, 2) fired a state official for not himself acting inappropriately by firing the relative, 3) lied to the public about what happened and 4) continues to lie about what happened.

The whole article is definitely worth a read.

UPDATE: A local news report shows Palin and her crew caught in a lie about the scandal (via Andrew Sullivan):

Among other things, characterizing her firing of Walter Monegan, Chief of the Department of Public Safety, as being done for his failures to tackle alcohol smuggling issues... shortly after praising Monegan publicly about his great work tackling alcohol smuggling issues.

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