Tuesday, August 26, 2008

From Time:

The McCain campaign welcomed delegates to Denver with a new ad Monday, showing
Debra Bartoshevich, a self-described "proud Hillary Clinton Democrat,"
announcing that she opposes Barack Obama and will vote for John McCain. To back
up the message, Republicans arranged a press-conference in Denver Monday morning
with Bartoshevich and other Clinton supporters, who are all now backing McCain.
Midway through the event, Bartoschevich was asked if she was concerned about
McCain's pro-life voting record. At a podium paid for by the Republican National
Committee, with McCain aide Carly Fiorina standing nearby, Bartoschevich said
this: "Going back to 1999, John McCain did an interview with the San Francisco
Chronicle saying that overturning Roe v. Wade would not make any sense, because
then women would have to have illegal abortions."

Definitely something that McCain spoke briefly about during his 2000 run, along with an aside to the press that he didn't know what he'd do if his then 15 year-old daughter wanted an abortion. On the other hand, McCain in this election has been stridently anti-Roe, bringing up his pro-life positions at every event. At the Saddleback forum he decisively answered that life begins at conception.

Either Bartoschevich and the other Hillary die-hards aren't paying attention (hard to believe), are deliberately deluding themselves, or are baldly lying about what McCain believes these days. The Democrats (and particularly Hillary in her speech on Wed.) need to stand up to these obfuscations of McCain's real positions.

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