Monday, February 22, 2010

What "Conservatism" has come to

For those of you not glued to CSPAN last week for coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference ("CPAC"), you missed a gem of a speech by junior-conservative Ryan Sorba. Sorba (who comes off as a combination of Jerry Falwell and a Jersey Shore reject) was apparently miffed that CPAC had allowed GOPride, a gay conservative group, to have a booth at the conference, and went on a lengthy homophobic tirade:

Shortly after the speech, Sorba managed to get into an altercation with openly-gay conservative Alex Knepper, which involved Sorba asking whether Knepper's dog talked with a lisp, and threatening to fight Knepper after Knepper refused to shake Sorba's hand, stating “Well, I don’t really want to shake your hand, you’re intrinsically evil.” Andrew Sullivan has the transcript here, which is kind of hilarious and worth reading.

Now, before you write this off as just part of the side-show-freak circus that is the far right of the GOP these days, take a look at the other speakers at CPAC:

Rep. Michele Bachmann
Glenn Beck
Hon. Bill Bennett
House Leader Boehner
Hon. John Bolton
Andrew Breitbart
Vice Prseident Dick Cheney & Liz Cheney
Chris Chocola
Ann Coulter
Sen. Jim DeMint
George Will
Hon. JC WattsHon.
Newt Gingrich
Roy Innis Rep. Darrell Issa
Wayne LaPierre
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter
Hon. Bob McEwen
Rep. Ron Paul
Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Rep. Mike Pence
Rep. Tom Price
Hon. Mitt Romney & Sen. Scott Brown
Hon. Marco Rubio
Hon. Rick Santorum

This is a who's who of the GOP right now, including most of the 2012 GOP contenders. I've yet to hear that any of them have disavowed Sorba's comments - which were from the podium of their own conference on national TV. That says a lot about where the soul of the conservative movement lies these days.

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