Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New poll shows fewer than half of Republicans are certain that Obama wants to beat the terrorists.

Polling outfit Research 2000 has a startling poll of Republicans out today (which was commissioned by liberal site Daily Kos) that's pretty depressing for anyone hoping to find common ground:

-36% believe Obama was not born in the US, and 22% are unsure

-only 43% said no to the question "do you believe Obama wants the terrorists to win?"

-53 to 14% believe that Palin is more qualified to be president than Obama

-23% (and 33% of Southerners) believe their state should secede

-73% (with 19% unsure) think that open gays and lesbians should not be allowed to teach in public schools.

-77% believe the book of Genesis should be tought as fact in public schools.

-Only 56% believe that contraception should be legal.

I'm sure that a poll of Dems could dig up some crazy, fairly widely-held beliefs as well (I read someplace that 20% of Dems think Bush had advance warning about 9/11)... but I don't think that the crazy is nearly this wide or this deep. Moderate Republicans - take a close look. This is your party - you can accept it, try to change it, or decamp for saner pastures.

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