Friday, December 06, 2002

After some prodding from various folks, I'm going to try to update more frequently. I think tonight may be the first time I've realized how insular my life in LA is. I see all these folks at work, and ostensibly have a corps of 200 LA TFAistas to chill with, but because RH and BL are doing architecture work, and JY and RD are out with their respective girlfriends, and I just took JZ to the airport to fly to San Fransisco, I effectively have nobody in this entire metro area of like 15 million people to hang out with. Thus, it's 8:36 on a Friday night and I'm at home IMing people, heating up a frozen pizza and updating this blog. Lest I sound overly pathetic, usually Fridays are good times at Sharkeez happy hour with the crew, followed by a group trip to the fabled "Tavern on Main" (oswego folks think Old City, Ham Tekkers The Rok with no TDX meatheads) for some pool, positouch, and discussions with the local racist former coal miner... good times generally, but tonight... not so much.

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