Thursday, November 07, 2002

Going to try my first multimedia presentation tomorrow- and maybe I'm aiming a little high? The movie I rented is in Farsi with subtitles - The Circle, about the plight of Iranian women - but I was encouraged when one of my students watched it when I suggested it (she was writing about the role of women in Islamic society) and said she really liked it. Hopefully the rest of the class can at least abstain from raghead jokes so I don't have to throw too many of them out of class (As I found when we covered "Niger" in geography warmup, lowbrow racist humor is certainly their forte). Also coming up tomorrow is my first Parents' night. I hired/bribed one of the honors kids in my homeroom to translate for me, just hoping he shows up. Will attempt to explain to parents why their kids are failing (because, parents response to "He doesn't do his homework and is disrespectful in class" is often "he's lazy and disrespectful at home, too" well, shit.)

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