Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Goddamnit it's been a while since I've posted. Since the last time, I've managed to put a vaguely incompetent woman on the LA school board (with the help of half a million teacher's union bucks) and am now back to teaching. Things have gone downhill since my last smooth-sailing, video-watching end of the semester. In the past 1.5 weeks, I've been hit by a pencil, 2 raisins, a penny, and some spit while having my back turned/head down. The perpetrators have not been caught. After contemplating buying a hidden camera I was informed by former LA sheriff's deputy NAV that it would be wildly illegal. Damn the wretched ACLU. Any suggestions would be welcome. Currently trying to get kids to write a research paper. Especially difficult when, after 3 days of work, students still ask "what's a source?" and my all-time favorite, "mister, what's research mean?" I'll be out back building a gibbet.

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