Tuesday, January 21, 2003

As DV has thrown down the challenge on his blog,, to write the basics of why Howard Dean should be the Democratic nominee, I'll do my damndest. First things first- unlike many of the other candidates, he isn't a career politician (though anybody who knows me knows that I don't necessarily think that it's a disqualifier). Prior to assuming the Vermont governorship a decade ago, Dean was a doctor, and in fact continued his practice while serving as lieutenant governor. This gives him a special credibility born of experience when discussing health care, which is certainly one of the most important issues out there, affecting those of us who just graduated and are trying to get health insurance, to our grandparents struggling to pay for medicine or nursing homes. Gov. Dean has put into place in Vermont a program that guarantees health insurance for every child in the state, and also implemented a groundbreaking plan that gives all pregnant women free at-home prenatal visits, which among other things has drastically reduced child abuse in the state. One of his 3 main campaign goals is universal healthcare in the US, which is something desperately needed as we are the only major industrialized democracy without it. The other two goals are balancing the budget- something where he would fare well against Bush, who turned 4 years of Clinton surplusses into a record $200 billion deficit by way of tax cuts and other giveaways to corporations and the wealthy. The final major plank of his platform is environmental conservation, which he is enormously experienced in, having run arguably the greenest state in the country.

Two other points to consider before i head out to my current campaign gig (which is getting somewhat better) The first is pragmatic- Dean has the best shot of any dem currently running to beat Bush. As governor of a rural state, he avoids the problem that many Americans have with national democrats- they're urban, often northeasterners, who seem out of touch with the "heartland". Dean's record, and his sensible position on gun control (control handguns without demonizing law abiding gun owners) has the potential to win over the so-called "NASCAR Dads"- rural, blue-collar fathers who look to be the swing vote in this election. The second point is that Dean is a pretty courageous politician. How many politicians with presidential ambitions can you name who would sign into law a bill giving gay couples civil unions? Not many... I think it's indicative of what kind of person Howard Dean is- somebody who's highly competent, compassionate, and straightfoward about doing what's right, regardless of the consequences.

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